Introduction of Autocount Accounting Software
Running a business takes a lot of time, there are many daily tasks that require your attention and your time, and many times you have no chance to even enjoy your free time with your family and friends. Take advantage of the technology boom to improve your business and use Autocount Accounting software which is the most efficient and easiest program to manage your company finance and more. Continue reading and learn about its many functions and features.
Autocount Accounting is a specialized program, which is designed for all companies that perform multiple accounting tasks. It is programmed with the most advanced technologies, such as Microsoft, .Net Framework, SQL Server 2005, and internet ready.
But, you’re probably wondering: what are the functions of Autocount Accounting software? What makes it so popular among all the companies? Why do I need it to improve my business?
Easy to learn and use
With Autocount Accounting Software you will no longer need complicated accounting courses; you will not have to spend large amounts of money on pretentious accountants either; let alone devote long hours to tedious accounting processes. Autocount Accounting only requires a basic knowledge of accounting, because most of your company data will be automatically managed with just a couple of keys.
This practical software works through an interface identical to Windows XP, so it generates affinity among all users, and because of this it is easy to adapt to its menus and functions. But besides this, most of its features and functions are keyboard operable, so each command to put it to work will take less than a second.
Thanks to Autocount Accounting software you can easily and quickly perform all the following tasks:
- Account Inquiry
- Stock Item Inquiry
- Drill Down to Source Document
- Finding stock Item
- Bank Book Managing
- Advanced Credit Control
- Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable Contra
- Document Transfer
- Handle Returned Cheks
- Handle Full and Partial Payment
- Chart of Account
- Project and Departmental Accounting
- Goods and Service Tax (GST)
- Multi-Currency
- And more of accounting features.
To conclude, don’t waste any more time using complicated and inefficient programs; avoid those accounting errors that result from doing the accounts by hand and in a hurry; the solution to improve your business is to ally with the best accounting technology, and this is nothing else than Autocount Accounting software. Contact us if you are looking for accounting software supplier Malaysia.